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Day 1
Welcome (9:41)
Day 2
Introduction to our method (8:27)
Day 3
Waking Basal Body Temperature (BBT) fundamentals (8:07)
Basal Body Temperature (BBT) FAQs
Day 4
Cervical fluid fundamentals (8:04)
Cervical Fluid FAQs
Day 5
Identifying your fertile window after your first cycle (3:54)
Fertile Window FAQs
Day 6
The number of cycles you need to conceive (1:16)
Day 7
Detecting issues (2:22)
Day 8
Choosing the right prenatal vitamin
Day 9
Optimal Sperm Parameters
Day 10
Improving Sperm Health
Day 11
Essential pre conception exercise
Day 12
Bonus Module- Pre Conception checkup (1:36)
Day 13
Reducing miscarriage risk
Thyroid and insulin tests
Day 14
Reducing gestational diabetes risk
Day 15
Reducing preeclampsia risk
What about cervix changes? (1:07)
What can I do if sex is too painful? (1:43)
How can guys get involved? (2:36)
What's the science behind the temperature part? (3:13)
Can certain sexual positions increase your chances of conception? (1:36)
Is it safe to shower after sex? (0:43)
Can I use this method for contraception? (1:11)
Can medications affect cervical fluid? (0:53)
Can being aroused affect your ability to detect cervical fluid? (0:25)
Do I need to lie in bed after sex? (1:06)
Can you ovulate twice in a cycle? (1:04)
What is the science behind the cervical fluid? (5:54)
Will I really be able to detect a change in sensation? (0:45)
Can you detect fertile window from a temperature dip (1:03)
What if i don't feel a lot of cervical fluid (1:03)
Is it better to climax? (1:43)
Do vaginal spray and douching affect cervical fluid? (0:49)
What can I do if I don't consistently get more than 4 hours of sleep?
What can I do if I keep forgetting to take my temperature
Does thrush affect your ability to detect cervical fluid?
What can I do if my temperature is all over the place and doesn't make any sense?
What if I feel wetness all the time?
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